2022 NACD Poster Contest
2022 NACD Poster Contest
The 2022 NACD Stewardship
Poster Contest theme is,
"Healthy Soil, Healthy Life"
The annual NACD poster contest provides students from Kindergarten through 12th grade the chance to have their art displayed as part of a national conservation outreach initiative. The top three posters in each category of the national contest will receive monetary prizes.
The contest is open to public, private and home-schooled students. For more information, including an educator's guide and materials flyer, you can visit the National Association of Conservation Districts website.
All entries must sponsored by your Local Conservation District. Please contact your Local Conservation District for due dates.
Kentucky Association of Conservation Districts
PO Box 4027
Frankfort, KY 40604-4027
(502) 682-1770
Crystal Renfro, Executive Director